All Hail Arnel Salgado!
When I read that Marlon got three Arnel Salgado books, I was gripped with envy that’s delectable to chum.
We first read about Arnel Salgado through Jessica Zafra. Thanks to her articles extensively quoting Arnel’s novel, The Fireless Inferno, we were treated to a whole new world of writing. No Melanie Marquez, no Angelica Jones, no Eddie Gil could match Arnel’s command of the English language. In his hands the Queen’s English is tweaked, twisted, turned inside-out… and transformed into something transcendental.
Behold and bow down to his power!
[1] “Mirasol…oh…Mirasol, the first time I saw you… I want to own you on the whole endurir!” Full of phantasy Greg whispered. He was been indulged building an air castle, and felt an amusing ease as he imagined the happiness which for a moment he was with Maria Mirasol who was reaching with him the distant sky and together dines on the sweetness of the depth romances… (p.20)
[2] On the East, the Aurora Borealis illuminated the night and the moon full of blithe was moving on the west delibling its beauty as the morning sun attempted to light the nocturnal period which brought the Corderos to dirge. (p.56)
[3] The fished river had been altered with sorrow and the water creatures expressed their woeing sympathy to the body bouying with the water together with the silts. The ired river produced a tyrant waves which even the hardest metal made ship could be wrecked because of its seethed anger that seemed avenging the demise of their saviour. (p.79)
[4] He found himself by the way awoke when he opened his two scarlet eyes lacrimating trickedly… His memory couldn't probe what had happened about his yester-epoch… but a clairvoyant and a future life vision infrerged to his Extra Sensory Percention… (p. 110)
[5] “Eh…Whither now is she?” Alexandria verified as she picked up a glass of strawberry juice and smoothly as she tried to solace her arid esophagus… she drinked and later took a sandwich with a slice of a spam and cheeze placed amid the two pan like the clouds that located at the middle of the world and heaven. (p.186)
[6] She was beautiful like the flowers consumed by fire, her love was sweet that made me suffer from diabetes, she was warm I almost felt the heat of her caress now. Her lips were smooth and her tongue was very luscious like the meat of a beef.
[7] from “The Hidden Grace of Sufferings”:
The devil shows his virgin teeth
but his tongue is a whore.
It tastes almost everything
including the hosts, the whore,
the core and the corn—
but he is now a priest
and his genital is eaten by the scrotum.
He cannot love.
He cannot fuck.
He cannot sex.
He cannot pump.
His is useless. It is whore.
The above quotes and poem I got off the Internet. Most came from Jessica Zafra’s article “The Purple Prose of Baguio” in website. The poem came from a blog discussion on erotic poetry. And one was even quoted in a German discussion board! Arnel Salgado, international artist? Gods be praised!