Monday, May 31, 2004

You Can Choose To Take This with a Grain of Salt

They say life is about choices—hair cut, detergent brand, drink size, with or without cream, and who will be bottom this time. We make a multitude of choices from the moment we wake up to the time we sip our morning coffee… or tea or Coke Light or vodka or chardonnay.

Then there are things we have absolutely no control over—the weather, family members, sexual preferences, and Madonna’s next reinvention. And as much as we want to take control over Kris Aquino’s choices of romantic partners—and her mouth as well—we’ll be better off resurrecting Adrian Zmed’s career.

But even in the face of things we cannot control, we are still confronted with a choice: do we accept things graciously, or do we rage, rage into the dying light?

In the end we need to make choices that we can live with for the rest of our lives. At 38 years old, maybe I’m way into the second half of my life. That means I must choose wisely from hereon.

Of course bad choices will still be chosen. Unavoidable circumstances will not be avoided. But one can choose to take responsibility and move on. Or one can choose to have selective memory all of a sudden (“You mean we had unprotected sex?!”)

As for me, I choose to add years to my life by imbibing the “only the good die young” philosophy. Hey, maybe The Fates will side with me here. At least I’ll have wicked fun as I hop, skip, jump and bitch my way into the sunset.

And as for you, dear viewer, you can choose to take me seriously... or take me out to dinner.