Thursday, November 04, 2004

I Believe In Kylie

This morning I caught Kylie Minogue’s latest, I Believe In You, on the radio. By the first verse, I was already going, “I like it! I like it! I like it!” And when I heard Kylie sing the chorus, “Ohhh, aaahhh-aaahhh-I believe in yoooooou…!” in her breathless falsetto, I was going, “I’m buying it! I’m buying it! I’m buying it!”

It’s a continuation of Kylie’s retro-disco/dance sound which she tapped into successfully with Can’t Get You Out Of My Head. If that one is reminiscent of the 80s, this new song channels the 70s this time, recalling the Donna Summer-Giorgio Moroder era. It’s destined to be a dance hit in gay discos, because of its oh-so-catchy and repetitive chorus plus an addictive sing-along coda: “I believe in you, I believe in! I believe in you, I believe in….”

Upon reaching the office I went straight to her website and watched the music video on-line. Like most of her recent videos, this one has her singing and dancing provocatively to the camera while wearing several skimpy outfits. True to form, she made sure her clothes and choreography would highlight her, uhmmm, assets. She knows that she’s the main visual attraction in her videos, so the camera never strays from her for long.

Kylie is one artist that’s ogled at by both straight and gay guys. They like watching her for different reasons. Straights want to get in her pants; gays want to be in her shoes. Most of the straight guys I know who flip over her just want to watch her in her music videos; she could be singing “Do-Re-Mi” for all they care.

I just can’t get it out of my head; now I can’t wait for the remix to be played in Bed!