Monday, September 27, 2004

Revise Squad

Leigh pointed out to me that in the episode entitled Car Envy, I misspelled “Porsche.” I forgot the letter “s” and spelled it “Porche” instead. Funny thing was everyone else who commented in that episode also spelled it sans “s” but I’m not sure if they also made a mistake or they deliberately misspelled it so as not to embarrass me. Anyway, the beauty of both Blogger and HaloScan is that you can edit and correct your entries. So I did me and everyone a favor and restored the “s” in “Porsche.”

Thanks to people like Leigh and Daniel/a, The McVie Show is one misspelled word less than before. For the others who may have spotted a mistake or two (or two hundred), you may point them out to me, but please, in a nice way, okay?