Friday, January 21, 2005


I just got me a new phone unit, a Nokia 1100. Yes, a cheapie-cheapie one and a Nokia to boot. I wanted a Sony Ericsson, but the cheaper units were beyond the budget I allotted for it. I just wanted a small, no-fuss, tossable phone with no swiveling or moving parts, a unit which will not cause me heartbreak if stolen.

Last year when my office phone was swiped, I reported the matter immediately to our admin. They were able to replace the lost SIM with a new one (still using my old office number), but they balked at replacing the phone unit. I had to buy my own.

I got the new SIM two weeks ago. I wanted to go to Greenhills to buy a second-hand phone but never had the time. Then at a cellphone shop near the office I saw a brand new Nokia 1100 for only a little over 3k. Puwede na.

The saleslady was excited to show me the exciting feature of the Nokia 1100—it has a built-in flashlight.


I’m so excited.

At least now that my official calls/texts will be separated from the personal ones, my personal bill will drop down back to less than a thousand pesos.