Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Bore Doom Sets In

Man, I lead a boring life.

Don’t get me wrong, things are stable—my work is, well, hectic as always, but manageable; at home things are okay. Work takes up the bulk of my time so I only “get a life” during weekends.

Weekdays when I wake up, my mom is still at mass, my brother and sister have already left (they’re in the academic sector, so they have to come in early like their students.) At the gym it’s mostly me vs. the machines. At work I’m friendly with the people there; they are fun to be with in between work. But none of them are really my friends, so I don’t really hang out with them on gimmicks. The moment I step out of the office, it’s just me and Lord. And when I get home everyone is asleep.

I should hang out with my friends more after work if I have the time. Or better yet I should start hanging out with my officemates. I need new friends! I don’t want to be working for the weekends.

Worse, nothing's happening in The McVie Show! Aaargh! Pakshet!