Her Danish Cookie
A few weeks ago it was Nelz and his Canadian bear, Norman. Now it’s my officemate’s turn with her foreigner boyfriend.
Let’s call her Miss O. Only in her early thirties, she’s been working in television for seven years. She has striking features, a curvaceous body that escapes flat-chestedness by a few centimeters and, true to most people in our industry, has a non-existent love life. She has an iMac full of sappy love songs. When she’s stressed she likes hugging gay officemates. That never fails to unsettle me.
She used to not go home earlier that 12:30 am. She falls asleep at the most inappropriate times: during meetings, while previewing, while editing, once in the bathroom while brushing her teeth. Twice she has fallen asleep behind the wheel but bumped her car only once, on their gate while backing out one morning. She now goes home before midnight and laughs at all our narcolepsy jokes.
Last Christmas Miss O was introduced to a visitor from Denmark. He has blue eyes and blonde hair; she used up all the English words in her vocabulary. They were both mesmerized. By the time he returned to Denmark after spending the New Year here, he promised to visit her again this July.
The days prior to his arrival were filled with Danish cookie jokes. She took a one week leave from work so that they can go to Boracay. This must be the love trend of 2004: invite a Caucasian, bring them to Boracay and fall madly in love. Cupid is a beach bum. No wonder his arrows never reach me.
Tonight she brought him to the office so she can show him what she does for a living. It’s important for someone planning to marry a broadcaster to know exactly what he’s up against: the lower the ratings, the longer the work hours. She introduced him to everyone; everyone wisely avoided asking him for Danish cookies as pasalubong the next time he visits.
He is going back to Denmark this weekend, but he has already promised Miss O he will be back again this Christmas. Her Danish prince is seriously considering staying in the Philippines for good. His business is based in Denmark, but he can run it from here. He earns in Danish cookies, he spends in uraro.
Now, can someone tell me where the nearest expat pub is here in Quezon City?
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