Thursday, March 10, 2005


Yesterday I received an SMS message at 12:19 p.m. It came from someone not in my phone directory. There was no name, only a number: +639272034817. I will reproduce the text message in full, caps and all: ATE LINDA BUNTIS AKO 2MNTHS.

(Promise! Totoo ito! I even saved it in my phone archives just to prove to people that it’s true.)

I was flabbergasted upon reading the message. I also took pity on the sender. After taking a pregnancy test, her pregnancy text was wasted on a wrong number. So I replied immediately: Hindi ako si Ate Linda. Sorry pero wrong number.

That got me thinking. For such an important message, why text only? Why not call Ate Linda directly? (But thank god she didn’t call me; that would have been even more surreal.)

When I showed the message to my officemate Edsel, he said, “Maida yan! Can’t afford niya ang call, kaya text-text na lang.” Puwede, di ba?

Anyway, a few minutes later I received another SMS from her: SORRY MALI KO.

Ms. +639272034817, I hope your pregnancy wasn’t a mistake, and that you and Ate Linda are happy with the impending birth. If your baby is a guy, can you name him McVie?