Monday, February 28, 2005

Weather I Like It Or Not

Schizophrenic ang weather these days. It’s still cold in the morning (as in, I still need a blanket) but by 9am the sun is blazing. By noon the heat is stifling. Kaya uso na naman ang ubo’t sipon. Buti lang I’ve restricted myself from going in and out of the office often.

I’m also feeling a little divided these days. Like the two fishes in my zodiac sign, a part of me is swimming upstairs while the other half is spiraling down. Maybe it’s just the weather affecting me. Or maybe it’s something more. Maybe it’s because Pil-Seung and Soon-Young is not showing anymore (it was already replaced by another kimchinovella) and I totally missed the ending of the series. Maybe it’s because we watched House of the Flying Daggers on DVD last night. Maybe it’s because there’s a 5-day shoot that’s staring us in the face and we’re having a hard time mounting it.

Ay leche. But this too shall pass.