Saturday, September 11, 2004

Office Scenes

This is a typical sight at 2:30 Saturday morning. We’re still hard at work. Editors still editing; that's Tina doing post prod. Those are two of my writers; the other one's still on sick leave.

This is what keeps me going—short soy white mocha. (The barrista could not decide if my name was Joey, Joan or Joen.) One of the perks (pun intended) of our workplace; Starbucks is just a 5 minute walk away. Also there’s a 24-hr convenience store for those who’d rather forego the lattes and fraps and just make do with instant Nescafe.

When two species converge: my cute cow mousepad. It was given to me by an officemate last Christmas. Unfortunately it is already warped, so I actually don’t use it as a pad anymore. It’s just cute to look at.

This is inside our boss’ office. Our resident Haley Joel “I see dead people” Osment claims she saw many hands trying to reach out, like there was a multitude trapped inside the dark room. Naturally I had to go in and take a picture. Doors are an exit. I hope in a few hours I’ll be done so that I can make my exit.